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    Wednesday, May 03, 2006

    Gender Identification

    The liberal attack on the traditional family is broad, but this report on "Gender Identity" that a friend emailed to me is astonishing.

    Children and youth are already confused enough without the absurd pseudo-psychology that those within the homosexual agenda promote. This report entitled, produced by the Gay Straight Alliance, the Transgender Law Center, and the National Center for Lesbian Rights, is a perfect example.

    The report opens: "Is your school safe for guys who aren’t as masculine as other guys? Is your school safe for girls who aren’t as feminine as other girls? Is your school safe for youth who identify as transgender?"

    The deception in this introduction is the word "safe." Physical safety should be guaranteed to everyone, however, the report's definition is absurd. Consider this paragraph further down the page:
    Instead of creating safe spaces for gender non-conforming and transgender students, school administrations often enforce policies and practices that can punish gender non-conforming and transgender youth simply for being who they are.

    Examples of discrimination based on gender identity, appearance, and behavior include: refusing to allow students to wear clothing that fits their gender identity, denying students access to educational or extra-curricular opportunities due to their actual or perceived gender identity and/or expression, and a school’s failure to protect students from harassment based on their actual or perceived gender identity and/or expression.
    Under the "Myth" section, number seven states:
    Myth: Transgender women are not “real” women and transgender men and not “real” men.
    Fact: People’s “true” gender is not defined by the sex they were assigned at birth. Our true gender is based on our gender identity. When a person who is transgender expresses an identity different from the one they were assigned at birth, the gender they are expressing is their “real” gender.
    This report just evidences how absurd and irrational the homosexual left is.

    Thursday, April 13, 2006

    Back From Hiatus

    Well folks, as you've probably noticed. I've been on hiatus during my stint on the Howard Kaloogian Congressional campaign. While I am extremely dissapointed at the outcome, it was an excellent experience. (Plus, beautiful San Diego has the best weather in the US.)

    I'm at a crossroads right now. I have many choices to make in the next few weeks that may determine much of my future. While I am anxious, I am also very excited.

    In the meantime, I came across another example of media ignorance and liberal deception a few days ago. Reuters news released an article titled, "
    Immigrant advocates convene May 1 work stoppage."

    Before I go any further, notice the title. The title for pro-amnesty/illegal immigrant individuals is "immigrant advocates." However, advocates for increased immigration and advocates for illegal immigration differ greatly. I, myself, could be considered an immigrant advocate, in that I support immigrants coming into this nation for a better life. However the must come legally. This is the first paragraph of that article:

    "U.S. immigrant rights advocates on Thursday called for a nationwide boycott of work, school and commerce on May 1, seeking to capitalize on the momentum of recent mass demonstrations across the country."

    "U.S. immigrant rights advocates"? What rights does one have when his or her first action is to break this country's laws? As individuals who have no right to be in America, illegal immigrants have no claim to any legal entitlements.

    While we could debate about illegal immigration all day, the greater observation here is of a typical liberal tactic: creating rights where none exist. The right to have an abortion; the right to get married despite obvious problems; now, its the right to be in this country illegally. My question: where did these rights come from?

    Friday, March 17, 2006

    US reports two more deaths after abortion pill

    By Lisa Richwine 2 hours, 45 minutes ago

    WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Two new deaths have been reported after women took the abortion pill known as RU-486 but officials do not know if the fatalities are connected to the drug, U.S. regulators said on Friday.

    "At this time we are investigating all circumstances associated with these cases and are not able to confirm the causes of death," the Food and Drug Administration said in an advisory to the public.

    Four previously reported deaths were linked to complications from a bacterial infection that developed after the women took the abortion pill, which is sold by privately held Danco Laboratories.

    Read More

    Wednesday, March 08, 2006

    Parental Notification Laws Decrease Abortion.

    The New York Times wrote about a study last week, which claims to destroy the link between parental-consent laws and decreases in abortion. Michael New published an excellent critique of the study on the National Review website.

    However, a new study published by the
    New England Journal of Medicine does find a strong link between consent/notification laws and a decrease in abortion. The result, "
    The Texas parental notification law was associated with a decline in abortion rates among minors from 15 to 17 years of age." The decline recorded was anywhere between 11 and 20 percent, depending on the age group. Copied below is the executive summary of the article:

    Background On January 1, 2000, Texas began enforcement of a law that requires physicians to notify a parent of a minor child seeking an abortion at least 48 hours before the procedure.

    Methods We assessed changes in the rates in Texas of abortions and births (events per 1000 age-specific population) before enforcement of the parental notification law (1998 to 1999) and after enforcement (2000 to 2002). We did this by comparing the rate changes among minors 15 to 17 years of age at the time of conception (i.e., those who were subject to the law) with those of teens 18 years of age at the time of conception (i.e., those who were not subject to the law).

    Results After enforcement of the law, abortion rates fell by 11 percent among 15-year-olds (rate ratio, 0.89; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.83 to 0.94), 20 percent among 16-year-olds (rate ratio, 0.80; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.76 to 0.85), and 16 percent among 17-year-olds (rate ratio 0.84; 95 percent confidence interval, 0.80 to 0.87), relative to the rates among 18-year-olds. Among the subgroup of minors 17.50 to 17.74 years of age at the time of conception (who would have been subject to the parental notification law in early pregnancy), birth rates rose by 4 percent relative to those of teens 18.00 to 18.24 years of age (rate ratio, 1.04; 95 percent confidence interval, 1.00 to 1.08). The adjusted odds ratio for having an abortion after 12 weeks' gestation among minors 17.50 to 17.74 years of age as compared with 18-year-olds was 1.34 (95 percent confidence interval, 1.10 to 1.62).

    Conclusions The Texas parental notification law was associated with a decline in abortion rates among minors from 15 to 17 years of age. It was also associated with increased birth rates and rates of abortion during the second trimester among a subgroup of minors who were 17.50 to 17.74 years of age at the time of conception.

    Death Penalty for Saddam?

    I cannot understand the absurdity of these answers. An AP poll reports that only 57 percent of Americans want the death penalty for Saddam Hussein. Some people can't seem to grasp the fact that he was a dictator who committed genocide against the Kurdish, and his own, people.

    Howard Kaloogian on WND

    Ban on wire transfers by illegals proposed
    Supporters believe it will remove major incentive for crossing border

    Posted: March 6, 2006
    2:32 p.m. Eastern

    James L. Lambert
    © 2006

    Howard Kaloogian
    A Republican candidate for a vacated congressional seat in southern California is proposing a ban on wire transfers by illegal aliens from the U.S. to Mexico.

    The plan "will remove a major incentive for illegal immigration and increase national security," said Howard Kaloogian, a well-known California activist who launched the effort to recall Gov. Gray Davis.

    Kaloogian is the front-runner for the San Diego-area congressional seat held by Republican Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham, who was sentenced last week to eight years in prison on corruption charges.

    Read more here

    Tuesday, March 07, 2006

    TIME: Interesting Abortion Commentary

    Nancy Gibbs, author of "When Is an Abortion Not an Abortion?" in TIME magazine, wrote an insightful article about the S.D. abortion ban. She made an excellent comment on the lack of exceptions for rape and incest in her article:
    What strikes me reading the bill is that this is a case where the Purists have carried the day. If a fetus is an innocent life deserving the full protection of the law, then the circumstances of conception, no matter how tragic, are irrelevant. Punish the rapist, they say, not the baby. Even the bill’s opponents agree that it has a kind of logical integrity. If this effort succeeds it will redraw the battle lines in the 30 Years Abortion War.
    I agree Nancy. The circumstances of conception are irrelevant.

    Monday, March 06, 2006

    South Dakota Passes Abortion Ban, Governor Signs Today

    From the Associated Press:

    S.D. Governor Signs Abortion Ban Into Law

    By CHET BROKAW, Associated Press Writer 37 minutes ago

    PIERRE, S.D. - Gov. Mike Rounds on Monday signed legislation banning almost all abortions in South Dakota.

    The Legislature passed the ban late last month, focusing nationwide interest on the state as the governor decided what to do about the measure.

    The law, designed to raise a direct challenge to

    Roe v. Wade, the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion, is scheduled to take effect July 1.

    Under the law, doctors in South Dakota will face up to five years in prison for performing an abortion except when the procedure is necessary to save the mother's life.

    Rounds issued a technical veto of a similar measure two years ago because it would have wiped out all existing restrictions on abortion while the bill was tied up for years in a court challenge.

    South Dakota Planned Parenthood said it planned a quick court challenge.

    Tuesday, February 28, 2006

    Michigan may ban abortion

    The South Dakota abortion ban sailed through the legistlature this past week and is now favorably sitting on the desk of Governor Mike rounds. This law is the most restrictive abortion ban passed since Roe v. Wade. It contains only one provision, the life of the mother, as an exception to the abortion ban. Many states wanting to follow suit.
    Missouri Senator, Jason Crowell, R-Cape Girardeau, propsed a similiar ban today in his legislature today.

    A movement has sprung up in Michigan to illegalize abortion, headed by the Michigan Personhead Amendment.

    Georgia is also considering similiar legislation.

    President Bush has commented on the South Dakota legislation, saying he disagrees in the number of exception.

    Asked about the provisions in the state law, Bush replied, "Well, that, of course, is a state law, but my position has always been three exceptions: rape, incest and the life of the mother."

    Dubai Ports

    Dr. Jerome Corsi has some excellent things to say about the Dubai Ports agreement:
    Dubai has put up a "Welcome Here" sign for the billions of dollars the millionaire mullahs and their cronies have stolen from the Iranian people. Dubai has served as a financial center and country of transit for al Qaeda terrorists, including the hijackers who flew the airplanes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon on 9/11. Dubai was one of the few countries in the Middle East to openly endorse the Taliban in Afghanistan. A group known as the Dubai Action Committee for the Support of the Intifada has worked with Islamic charitable organizations to funnel funds from the United States to Hamas. The list goes on.
    However, a few supposedly conservative notables have sold out:


    Bill O'Rielly

    Laurence Kudlow

    Robert Novak

    Friday, February 24, 2006

    Planet's Population to hit 6.5 billion has calculated that the world's population will hit 6.5 billion this Saturday. While I think this statistic is irrelevant to daily life, I found the terminology used in the article quite biased:
    A population milestone is about to be set on this jam-packed planet.

    On Saturday, Feb. 25, at 7:16 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, the population here on this good Earth is projected to hit 6.5 billion people.

    "This jam-packed planet"? Our planet is far from jam-packed. According to the National Center for Policy Analysis:
    If the entire population of the world were put into the land area of Texas, each person would have an area equal to the floor space of a typical U.S. home and the population density of Texas would be about the same as Paris, France.

    Doesn't sound too jam-packed to me. In fact, world population numbers are often inflated for the purpose of instituting population control programs.
    Pierre Chaunu, professor emeritus of the Sorbonne and member of the French Academy, says that African population figures are inflated, he doubts China's figures, and notes that in the former USSR, where there is one live birth for every 7 abortions, 292 million people have never existed. Then there's the 80-120 million killed under communism who haven't been officially recognised as being not part of their countries' population statistics.

    So why the population explosion scare? Chaunu says the international agencies have to justify the huge sums spent on imposing authoritarian birth control programmes in many countries. So they claim imminent danger for the planet through 'over-population'. He also indicated that a "certain number of North American experts play with fear: fear of invasion and asphyxiation by the citizens of the third world." In plain English, they're playing the race card: there's not too many people, just too many of THEM

    US Professor denies Holocaust

    Northwestern University Professor Arthur Butz recently supported statements made by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who called the Holocaust a myth. An American professor at a respected university believes the Holocaust did not happen.

    The Pennsylvania Independent reported that several Northwester factulty members have denounced Butz's stance.
    Northwestern University faculty and students continue to publicly voice their opposition to Holocaust revisionist and McCormick Prof. Arthur Butz. "Butz's Holocaust denial is an affront to our humanity and our standards as scholars, and hence mandates our censure," reads a letter signed by 60 members of the newly merged Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

    No wonder our colleges are so liberal. Human Events has an
    excellent blog about liberal bias and indoctrination on our college campuses.

    Tuesday, February 21, 2006

    Abramoff overview

    Dr. Marvin Olasky wrote an excellent overview of his in-depth study into the Abramoff scandal. While I'm sure this scandal pales in comparison to many other fund-shifting ventures (i.e. Ted Kennedy), the startling fact here is that Jack Abramoff and Ralph Reed seem to have manipulated their relationship with Christian organizations for financial gain. You read the article, and make your own judgements.

    If it is all true, one has no trouble understanding why the American people, especially church-goers, are skeptical of politicians. For a political advocate to manipulate the Christian community for the purpose of big business and personal gain, is abhorrent.

    Saturday, February 18, 2006

    Deadly cartoons

    The Islamic reaction to cartoon drawings of Mohammed is startling. Consider this map supplied by Google.

    I think that Flemming Rose, one of the publishers of the cartoons in the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten, wrote an excellent response in the Washington Post to all the critics.

    The United States has an increasing Muslim population, especially in the Dearborn, Michigan area. While not every Islamic follower is bent on America's destruction, some of key figures, including
    Imam Mohammed Ali Elahi, the director of the Islamic House of Worship just outside of Dearborn. The Islamic House of Worship is one of the largest mosques in America.

    Debbie Schlussel, a Detroit-based columnist and attorney, was the first to call attention to Elahi's ties to Iranian government officials.

    “Mr. Elahi, I believe, is an agent of the government in Iran. Not only does he have sympathies for them, but he did work for them. And I believe he's still working for them,” Schlussel said. “I went to his Web site, and I found even more outrageous pictures of him with Ayatollah Khomeini, who we know held many Americans hostage for 444 days…We have pictures of him delivering prayers to the Iranian parliament. We have pictures of him with the former President of Iran, Mr. Khatami. We have pictures of him with Mr. Karrubi, who is the speaker of the house of the Iranian parliament.”

    Erick Stakelbeck, a reporter for CBN news, writes about his personal interview with Imam Elahi.

    Regarding Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent call to wipe Israel off the map, Elahi wrote:

    --"It is very clear that Mr. Ahmadinejad was not making an anti-Semitic statement."

    --"The Iranian president's quip can best be understood in the context of the Declaration of Independence."

    --and, "Israel must stop instigating violent conflicts in the Muslim world."

    Another Elahi column described Hamas founder Ahmed Yassin as a "Palestinian spiritual leader, (who) had a heart full of love for humanity." Yet another compared the Iranian constitution to that of the United States.

    Eric also has a national security watch with lots of great information here.

    Friday, February 17, 2006

    Hillary for '08?

    I realize that every person has their bad picture days. But I can't help reposting this picture of presidential hopeful Sen. Clinton. I think its rather difficult to caption the image. Perhaps her husband just told her he is really a Republican.

    I'll have a contest, what do you think the caption should be? I'll post the best ones on this page in a few days.

    Script for "Seconds until the next abortion"

    Some of you may have noticed the new abortion ticker on the side-bar. I found it on the homepage of Capitol Resource Institute. I normally find items like this trite and useless. However, when one considers the seconds until each abortion, the concept is staggering. If you have a webpage, be it,, or anything else, add it. May we never let the atrocious practice of abortion out of our minds until it has ended.
    Code for "Seconds until the next abortion" ticker:

    td height="70" valign="top" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
    form name="counter">
    div align="center">
    input type="text" size="5" name="d2">
    b>seconds left until the next abortion.</b> </div>
    var milisec=0
    var seconds=125

    function display(){
    if (milisec<=0){
    if (seconds<=-1){

    Wednesday, February 15, 2006

    A Less on From Muslims?

    The entire Muhammed-mocking-cartoons topic has been commented on, argued, and rehashed many times. An excellent overview and digestion of topic is on the Legal Redux. I don't believe I can add much to the political discussion. However, perhaps there is a lesson here from the religious perspective.

    I have viewed the cartoons, and I found them relatively innocuous. To be honest, most of them I didn't even understand the humor. (Although this one was hilarious, and probably the most disrespectful.) Yet, consider the outcry against them. Riots; violence; property damage; all because of simple cartoons.

    How much more does America mock Christianity?

    We need little reminding of NBC's attempted TV show, "Book of Daniel," which featured a pill-popping Episcopal priest and a homosexual son of a Republican. Thankfully NBC pulled it. Of course, NBC attempted to retaliate with a "Will and Grace" episode featuring Britney Spears and a cooking show called "Cruci-fixins." (This episode seemed like a bad marketing move considering how many people viewed the Passion of the Christ.) Americans cried out against the show, and NBC pulled it.

    We have won many battles against anti-Christians. But, those were provacations that we could not afford to neglect. What will be our response in the minor areas?

    Obviously I am not advocating the Muslim response. Our religion is different. At its core is peace, and love for your neighbor. However, we must never tire or weary from defending the Truth. We are not the only ones trying to defend a worldview of life.

    Wednesday, February 01, 2006

    Jonathan's Response to the State of the Union Address

    I was disappointed with the President's State of the Union (SOU) address tonight. It was ambiguous, fluffy, unsubstanitive, and vague. Comments such as, "To confront the great issues before us, we must act in a spirit of good will and respect for one another. And I will do my part." And, "We will choose to act confidently in pursuing the enemies of freedom or retreat from our duties in the hope of an easier life. We will choose to build our prosperity by leading the world economy or shut ourselves off from trade and opportunity."

    What exactly does that mean? Using that terminology begs the question, would the President say we will not confront the great issues? Or that we should not act confidently in pursuing enemies of freedom? Obviously it is enemies of freedom, not enemies of enslavement.

    Here is an excellent goal:
    Bush: Abroad, our nation is committed to an historic, long-term goal: We seek the end of tyranny in our world.
    America seeks to end tyranny in the world? How exactly are we to go about this? Statements like this trivialize the SOU, and make it relatively meaningless. However, not all was lost. Bush had a few good things to say. I paid careful attention to the portion on democratic elections. (See my response to the recent Palistinean elections.) Bush said:

    Bush: Raising up a democracy requires the rule of law, and protection of minorities, and strong, accountable institutions that last longer than a single vote.

    The great people of Egypt have voted in a multiparty presidential election, and now their government should open paths of peaceful opposition that will reduce the appeal of radicalism.

    The Palestinian people have voted in elections. And now the leaders of Hamas must recognize Israel, disarm, reject terrorism and work for lasting peace.

    I believe he addressed the Palestinian elections well. His call to Hamas for the recognition of Israel is a strong and laudable statement.

    Iran was also a delicate topic:

    Bush: The same is true of Iran, a nation now held hostage by a small clerical elite that is isolating and repressing its people. The regime in that country sponsors terrorists in the Palestinian territories and in Lebanon, and that must come to an end.


    The Iranian government is defying the world with its nuclear ambitions, and the nations of the world must not permit the Iranian regime to gain nuclear weapons.


    BUSH: America will continue to rally the world to confront these threats.

    And, tonight, let me speak directly to the citizens of Iran: America respects you and we respect your country. We respect your right to choose your own future and win your own freedom. And our nation hopes one day to be the closest of friends with a free and democratic Iran.

    My question is, how? Iran is under the hold of Islam. It can never be free and democratic until it embraces anti-Islamic ideals such as equality, rights or life, liberty, and property. Is Bush going to send missionaries to Iran now? However, for all that cynicism, I do say that his stance against Iran gaining nuclear weapons is encouraging.

    Under the topic of AIDS, Bush made an interesting observation:
    Bush: A hopeful society acts boldly to fight diseases like HIV/AIDS, which can be prevented and treated and defeated.

    More than a million Americans live with HIV, and half of all AIDS cases occur among African-Americans.

    I ask Congress to reform and reauthorize the Ryan White Act and provide new funding to states so we end the waiting lists for AIDS medicines in America.

    I question why Bush singled out African-Americans. Over half of all AIDS cases are through male-to-male sexual contact. Why didn't Bush make mention of homosexuals?

    Bush also mentioned isolationism four times, and protectionism twice. He's obviously pushing for more global free trade, though it wasn't explicit. This globalist policy is absolutely abhorrent. The end result will be an "American Union," with a common security border around Mexico, the US, and Canada.

    I agree with Bush about making the tax cuts permanent. He said:
    Bush: Because America needs more than a temporary expansion, we need more than temporary tax relief. I urge the Congress to act responsibly and make the tax cuts permanent.
    I've never met a tax cut I didn't like.

    Bush also made some relatively strong statements about illegal immigration:

    Bush: Keeping America competitive requires an immigration system that upholds our laws, reflects our values and serves the interests of our economy.

    Our nation needs orderly and secure borders.


    To meet this goal, we must have stronger immigration enforcement and border protection.

    However, he also tried to push his guest worker program:
    Bush: And we must have a rational, humane guest worker program that rejects amnesty, allows temporary jobs for people who seek them legally, and reduces smuggling and crime at the border.

    My question is, how doe we have a guest worker program that rejects amnesty? That's like saying we want a rainbow with only one color.

    Bush also praised the fact that, "There are fewer abortions in America than at any point in the last three decades." This is most definitely a good thing.

    Along those same lines Bush asked for a ban on human cloning:
    Bush: A hopeful society has institutions of science and medicine that do not cut ethical corners and that recognize the matchless value of every life.

    Tonight I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research: human cloning in all its forms; creating or implanting embryos for experiments; creating human-animal hybrids; and buying, selling or patenting human embryos.

    Human life is a gift from our creator, and that gift should never be discarded, devalued or put up for sale.

    And so ends the substance of Bush's speech. He proposed a few initiatives, but nothing too drastic or profound. With that said, God Bless America.

    Tuesday, January 31, 2006

    Quick Digestions: State of the Union

    A quick digest of President Bush's State of the Union Address tonight yields little. It was relatively unsubstantive. For a more thorough analysis see Jonathan's response to the State of the Union address.

    In short, the positive items Bush addressed were:

    -He called on Hamas to recognize Israel, to disarm, and act peacefully.
    -He asked the global community to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons.
    -He made a relatively strong statement about securing the border and decreasing illegal immigration.
    -He called on Congress to pass a ban on human cloning

    The negative:

    -Nothing very strong was said, it was a pretty touchy-feely goody speech with warm fuzzies.
    -He used the No Child Left Behind Act as an example of success
    -He subconsciously pushed for more "free trade."
    -He pushed for a guest worker program

    Friday, January 27, 2006

    Middle Eastern Turmoil

    With the overwhelming Hamas majority in the new Palistinean Parliment, stability in the Middle East, especially for Israel, is a distant dream. Hamas won 76 of the 132 seats in the Palestinian government. Fatah, the majority party for 40 years, is not too happy. Hamas and Fatah are settling their disagreement by gun-battle.

    (A quick side-thought: can you imagine if Republicans and Democrats setteled their agreement the same way? I guess Republicans would always win, they're the only ones who own guns.)

    Hamas is a known terrorist organization whose purpose is to bring about the
    extermination of Israel. The Hamas "Martyrs Oath" explains, "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad."

    This article by
    Reuters is quite ridiculous. It begins, "Hamas's stunning Palestinian election victory this week signals that democratic change is possible in the Arab world, even if the United States might not be pleased with the outcome of an idea it has championed."

    Democratic change in the Arab world? I don't think the newsmedia grasps the reality of that election. A
    terrorist organization is the dominating power in the Palestinian government. This result is a perfect example of a how true democracy is flawed. No wonder James Madison said,
    Democracy is the most vile form of government ... democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention, have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property, and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.

    Monday, January 23, 2006

    Sonoma County abortion opponents rally in SR

    Group revives effort for parental notification measure


    Sonoma County abortion foes rallied Sunday afternoon in Santa Rosa's Old Courthouse Square, kicking off local petition efforts to resurrect last year's defeated state ballot initiative requiring parental notification for minors seeking abortions.

    Also speaking at the rally was Jonathan Krive, a former Santa Rosa Junior College student who won the 2004 NRLC-sponsored National Right to Life Oratory Contest.

    Krive, the current vice president of the High School Conservative Clubs of America, compared abortions in the past 33 years to the Holocaust.

    "Abortion is America's Holocaust, but of greater magnitude," Krive said at the rally. "Forty-six million unborn babies have been aborted."

    Krive acknowledged that many people, including Holocaust survivors and their descendents, would find such a statement offensive. But if fetuses are human beings, he said, then abortion is genocide.

    Read the rest of the story here.

    Abortion is America's Holocaust

    If the unborn are human, and all human life is equally valid, then 46 million unborn babies are the victims of the greatest genocide in the Western Hemisphere.

    I visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. back in February 2005. I was struck by the atrocious ideologies of Adolf Hitler. He believed in the Darwinian notion that all life, as evolved, only has instrumental value. He classified all humans into two categories: superior, or inferior. This idea stripped human life of its inherent value. No longer was a human valuable simply because the life was human. Human value was now based on instrumental worth: how much an individual can accomplish.

    Fast forward 50 years. Planned Parenthood's mantra is that "every child is a wanted child." So what is its proposed solution to the unborn children who are unwanted? Abortion.

    Planned Parenthood has proposed a Final Solution, and it is every bit as heinous and morally repugnant as the Holocaust. But somehow America does not realize this. Simply because abortion goes on behind closed doors, in a sanitized room, does this make the crime any less heinous? Surely out of sight has been out of mind. But what if we lived in Germay during the Holocaust...and we knew about the concentration camps...we knew about Auschwitz. Well, we know about abortion clinics.

    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    Roberts dissents for the first time on the SCOTUS

    Chief Justice John Roberts, for the first time in his three month tenure on the Supreme Court, dissented with the main court decision to uphold the Oregon Death With Dignity Act (ODWDA). The decision was 6-3, with Justices Clarence, Scalia, and Roberts dissenting. See my post at the Legal Reduction.

    Thursday, January 12, 2006

    Alito plays politician

    I have been watching the Alito confirmation hearings and have been mostly impressed. However, I was dissapointed in some of Alito's answers, see my post at the Legal Reduction:

    Tuesday, January 10, 2006

    Cause of Death: Gender

    AFP reported today that, "Around 10 million female foetuses may have been aborted in India over the past two decades because of ultrasound sex screening and a traditional preference for boys, according to a study published online in The Lancet." noted that, "India's top doctor's group is rejecting the analysis by the British medical journal Lancet saying that as many as 10 million sex-selection abortions may have occurred in India since ultrasounds were able to detect the gender of an unborn child approximately 20 years ago."

    “At the same time, the physicians group agreed that the use of modern medical technology has been used to further prejudices against girl babies.

    “Dr. Narendra Saini, spokesman for the Indian Medical Association, says that the use of ultrasound to detect the gender of an unborn child for purposes of an abortion has waned since the Indian government started a crackdown on it in 2001."

    United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) warned that infanticide or abortion was driving India towards a gender imbalance with alarming social consequences.

    Ironically feminists are the biggest proponents of abortion. Yet, abortion tends to kill more girls than boys, especially in third world nations.

    In the introduction to Dickens' A Christmas Carol G.K. Chesterton wrote, “The answer to anyone who talks about the surplus population is to ask him whether he is the surplus population, or if he is not, how he knows he is not.”