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    Tuesday, January 31, 2006

    Quick Digestions: State of the Union

    A quick digest of President Bush's State of the Union Address tonight yields little. It was relatively unsubstantive. For a more thorough analysis see Jonathan's response to the State of the Union address.

    In short, the positive items Bush addressed were:

    -He called on Hamas to recognize Israel, to disarm, and act peacefully.
    -He asked the global community to prevent Iran from gaining nuclear weapons.
    -He made a relatively strong statement about securing the border and decreasing illegal immigration.
    -He called on Congress to pass a ban on human cloning

    The negative:

    -Nothing very strong was said, it was a pretty touchy-feely goody speech with warm fuzzies.
    -He used the No Child Left Behind Act as an example of success
    -He subconsciously pushed for more "free trade."
    -He pushed for a guest worker program

    Friday, January 27, 2006

    Middle Eastern Turmoil

    With the overwhelming Hamas majority in the new Palistinean Parliment, stability in the Middle East, especially for Israel, is a distant dream. Hamas won 76 of the 132 seats in the Palestinian government. Fatah, the majority party for 40 years, is not too happy. Hamas and Fatah are settling their disagreement by gun-battle.

    (A quick side-thought: can you imagine if Republicans and Democrats setteled their agreement the same way? I guess Republicans would always win, they're the only ones who own guns.)

    Hamas is a known terrorist organization whose purpose is to bring about the
    extermination of Israel. The Hamas "Martyrs Oath" explains, "There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad."

    This article by
    Reuters is quite ridiculous. It begins, "Hamas's stunning Palestinian election victory this week signals that democratic change is possible in the Arab world, even if the United States might not be pleased with the outcome of an idea it has championed."

    Democratic change in the Arab world? I don't think the newsmedia grasps the reality of that election. A
    terrorist organization is the dominating power in the Palestinian government. This result is a perfect example of a how true democracy is flawed. No wonder James Madison said,
    Democracy is the most vile form of government ... democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention, have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property, and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths.

    Monday, January 23, 2006

    Sonoma County abortion opponents rally in SR

    Group revives effort for parental notification measure


    Sonoma County abortion foes rallied Sunday afternoon in Santa Rosa's Old Courthouse Square, kicking off local petition efforts to resurrect last year's defeated state ballot initiative requiring parental notification for minors seeking abortions.

    Also speaking at the rally was Jonathan Krive, a former Santa Rosa Junior College student who won the 2004 NRLC-sponsored National Right to Life Oratory Contest.

    Krive, the current vice president of the High School Conservative Clubs of America, compared abortions in the past 33 years to the Holocaust.

    "Abortion is America's Holocaust, but of greater magnitude," Krive said at the rally. "Forty-six million unborn babies have been aborted."

    Krive acknowledged that many people, including Holocaust survivors and their descendents, would find such a statement offensive. But if fetuses are human beings, he said, then abortion is genocide.

    Read the rest of the story here.

    Abortion is America's Holocaust

    If the unborn are human, and all human life is equally valid, then 46 million unborn babies are the victims of the greatest genocide in the Western Hemisphere.

    I visited the Holocaust Museum in Washington D.C. back in February 2005. I was struck by the atrocious ideologies of Adolf Hitler. He believed in the Darwinian notion that all life, as evolved, only has instrumental value. He classified all humans into two categories: superior, or inferior. This idea stripped human life of its inherent value. No longer was a human valuable simply because the life was human. Human value was now based on instrumental worth: how much an individual can accomplish.

    Fast forward 50 years. Planned Parenthood's mantra is that "every child is a wanted child." So what is its proposed solution to the unborn children who are unwanted? Abortion.

    Planned Parenthood has proposed a Final Solution, and it is every bit as heinous and morally repugnant as the Holocaust. But somehow America does not realize this. Simply because abortion goes on behind closed doors, in a sanitized room, does this make the crime any less heinous? Surely out of sight has been out of mind. But what if we lived in Germay during the Holocaust...and we knew about the concentration camps...we knew about Auschwitz. Well, we know about abortion clinics.

    Tuesday, January 17, 2006

    Roberts dissents for the first time on the SCOTUS

    Chief Justice John Roberts, for the first time in his three month tenure on the Supreme Court, dissented with the main court decision to uphold the Oregon Death With Dignity Act (ODWDA). The decision was 6-3, with Justices Clarence, Scalia, and Roberts dissenting. See my post at the Legal Reduction.

    Thursday, January 12, 2006

    Alito plays politician

    I have been watching the Alito confirmation hearings and have been mostly impressed. However, I was dissapointed in some of Alito's answers, see my post at the Legal Reduction:

    Tuesday, January 10, 2006

    Cause of Death: Gender

    AFP reported today that, "Around 10 million female foetuses may have been aborted in India over the past two decades because of ultrasound sex screening and a traditional preference for boys, according to a study published online in The Lancet." noted that, "India's top doctor's group is rejecting the analysis by the British medical journal Lancet saying that as many as 10 million sex-selection abortions may have occurred in India since ultrasounds were able to detect the gender of an unborn child approximately 20 years ago."

    “At the same time, the physicians group agreed that the use of modern medical technology has been used to further prejudices against girl babies.

    “Dr. Narendra Saini, spokesman for the Indian Medical Association, says that the use of ultrasound to detect the gender of an unborn child for purposes of an abortion has waned since the Indian government started a crackdown on it in 2001."

    United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) warned that infanticide or abortion was driving India towards a gender imbalance with alarming social consequences.

    Ironically feminists are the biggest proponents of abortion. Yet, abortion tends to kill more girls than boys, especially in third world nations.

    In the introduction to Dickens' A Christmas Carol G.K. Chesterton wrote, “The answer to anyone who talks about the surplus population is to ask him whether he is the surplus population, or if he is not, how he knows he is not.”