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    Tuesday, March 06, 2007


    Last week was the 2007 Conservative Political Action Conference at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington DC. I had the privilege of hosting the radio podcast The Spew, recording live from radio row.

    Aside from meeting with some fantastic conservatives, I also listened to almost all of the front-runners for the 2008 presidential nomination. The CPAC straw poll , yielded some interesting results. Not suprising was the fact that Governor Mitt Romney won, and Senator John McCain came in last (or the top tier candidates). The interesting part was Speaker Newt Gingrich's reception at CPAC. People stood on their chairs to clap as Gingrich walked in from the back of the room, shaking hands as he made his way to the front. He also claimed fourth place in the straw poll. Not bad for someone who is not even officially running.

    Unfortunately, none of the candidates distinguished themselves as the 2008 hero of the conservative movement. However, I think America is much to fascinated with the campaign. And pundits are making predictions much to early. I'm sure we will have many suprises coming out as time goes on.

    One suprise may come from Vice President Dick Cheney, as reported on Page One Daily News. The site reports and article in a British paper, about Condoleezza Rice possibly replacing Cheney.