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    Monday, September 26, 2005

    School Lecture: Open Borders = Open Bias

    As a student at the Santa Rosa Junior College, I encounter all forms of liberal indoctrination. One such lecture proposed open borders with Mexico. After listening to a pathetic appeal for this treasonous position, I decided to issue a public reaction. I will be publishing the following opinion piece in my school newspaper, The Oak Leaf:

    I attended a lecture that my school, the Santa Rosa Junior College, hosted on September 12 titled, “"Wetback Nation: The Case for Opening the Mexican-American Border." It was blatantly partisan. While opening the border is will only exacerbate the problem of homeland insecurity, why is the SRJC using taxpayer money to fund political lectures? If it is going to invite political lecturers, it should invite them from both sides.

    The SRJC Arts and Lecture series invited Peter Laufer to promote an open border with Mexico. During the lecture Laufer bashed the Bush Administration and US Border Patrol. Regardless of whether you agree with President Bush, the SRJC should not host politically biased lecturers who only give one side of the story. By the SRJC opening up the Newman Auditorium for Laufer, it is essentially using tax dollars to promote Laufer'’s position.

    I wholeheartedly support debate. However, no debate occurs when only one side of the argument is presented. The SRJC is obligated to bring in someone from the opposing side. It should invite a lecturer who promotes national sovereignty and secure borders, unlike Laufer.

    Better yet, the SRJC shouldn't have invited Laufer at all. His lecture was shallow and rash. His only premise was: The current situation is so unreasonable and beyond remedy, with thousands flocking across the borders every day and night, let's not fight it anymore. Let's just give in and open wide the borders. The current system is not working, I agree, but Laufer draws his idea out of a hat and suggests, how about open borders?

    An open border with Mexico would be a freeway for terrorist mobility. This problem is appropriate having just commemorated 9/11. The number of Middle Eastern and Asian illegal border crossers has increased by 42 percent in the past five years. The Washington Times reported in “Terrorists said to seek entry to U.S. via Mexico on April 7, 2003 that, Al Qaeda members are working with Mexican organized crime groups in an attempt to enter the United States covertly. Border Patrol officials found a diary written in Arabic on a southern Arizona trail frequently used by illegal aliens.

    I asked Mr. Laufer about this problem. He neatly sidestepped this issue and said let us just hope for the best. Well Mr. Laufer, hope won't keep illegal terrorists out of this country. A strong border will.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    Hahahah, yeah.
    Welcome to the JC Jonathan...:P