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    Wednesday, June 27, 2007

    Blatant Bias

    Even though the New York Times has admitted its liberal bias, every now and then its skewed reporting still astonishes me. On the second page of the Washington Times (and released by AP) ran the headline "Louisianans OK partial-birth ban".

    "The Louisiana Legislature approved a ban on a late-term abortion procedure yesterday, the first state to do so since the U.S. Supreme Court upheld a federal ban earlier this year. The House voted unanimously to approve a measure that would allow "partial-birth" abortions only when failure to perform it would endanger the mother's life."

    Many other papers picked up this story, The International Herald Tribune, the Chicago Tribune, the Houston Chronicle, and more. (Admittedly they almost all ran the AP story, but at least they ran the story.)

    The partial-birth abortion issue is just slightly big news. This bill is the first to pass both houses of a state legislature (notably almost unanimously), and it somehow misses the editors at the New York Times.

    Every copy of the Times has a textbox on the upper corner, front page, which says "All the News That's Fit to Print." I think that needs to be changed to "All the News That is Filtered to Praise Liberals and Demonize Conservatives."

    To emphasize the bias, the paper made room to print the story "Louisiana: Nude and Dangerous Behind the Wheel". Well, I guess that's the news that is fit to print.

    Update: The New York Times online edition did actually include this story on their online version under the very small National Briefing section, buried under layers of navigation.

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